The Clan MacDougall

The Clan MacDougall
Family Members Information
The Family Tree


A Gaelic generalisation when describing the Viking invaders was by colouring, Finn Ghall for fair stranger and Dubh Ghall for a dark stranger. Dubh Ghall was the descriptive name given to the eldest son of King Somerled.

The MacDougalls are descended from Dugall, eldest son of Somerled of the Isles, progenitor of Clan Donald. The first record of the name is in 1230 when Duncan M'Kowele founded the Priory of Ardchattan in Argyllshire. Unfortunately for the MacDougalls, their chief supported Balliol against Robert the Bruce (through intermarriage with the Comyns) and was therefore deprived of his lands. At the time the family controlled Lorn and Benderloch, the islands of Mull, Lismore, Coll and Tiree. In 1354 however some of these lands were restored when John MacDougall of Lorne married Robert the Bruce's granddaughter. Although they were descended from a common ancestor the MacDougalls and MacDonalds feuded. The hostility that resulted was compounded during the 16th century when after an heiress had carried their lands to the Campbells via the Stewarts, MacDougall of Dunollie acknowledged Argyll as his feudal superior. The chiefship passed to the MacDougalls of Dunollie as the nearest male heir. The MacDougalls fought for Charles I during the Civil War and after, following the Stewart cause during the 1715 Rebellion. The chief's wife held Dunollie castle against the government troops while he was fighting at Sheriffmuir. The estate was confiscated but restored just prior to 1745 because of their loyalty to the Crown. The previous chief, Madam MacDougall of MacDougall and Dunollie, died on 5th May, 1990, aged 85 years. She has been succeeded by her niece, who has become the 31st hereditary chief of the clan. The new chief's daughter has inherited the ancient title of Maid of Lorn.

GAELIC NAME : MacDhughaill

BADGE: Fraoch dearg (tetralix) bell-heather.

CREST BADGE: On a cap of maintenance a dexter arm in armour embowed, fessways, couped, proper, holding a cross crosslet fitchy, gules.

Pipe Music:  Caisteal Dhunolla (Dunolly Castle)

SLOGAN: Buaidh no Bàs. (To Conquer Or Die)

PIBROCH: Moladh móraig.

The Macdougalls, Macdugalls, Macdovals, Macdowalls are all the ways the name is spelled. The clan derives its descent from Dugall, who was the eldest son of Somerled, the common ancestor of the clan Donald; and it has hitherto been supposed, that Alexander de Ergadia, the undoubted ancestor of the clan Dugall, who first appears in the year 1284, who was the son of Ewen de Ergadia, who figured so prominently at the period of the cession of the Isles. This opinion, however, Mr Skene conceives to be erroneous; first, because Ewen would seem to have died without leaving male issue; and, secondly, because it is contradicted by the manuscript of 1450, which states that the Clan Dugall, as well as the clan Rory and the clan Donald, sprung ont from Ewen, but fron Ranald, the son of Somerled, through his son Dugall, from whom indeed they derived their name. Mr Smibert's remarks, however, on this point are deserving of attention. "It seems very evident," he says, "that they formed one of the primitive branches of the roving or stranger tribes of visitants to Scotland of the Irish, or at least Celtic race. Their mere name puts the fact almost beyond doubt. It also distinguishes them clearly from the Norsemen of the Western Isles, who were always styled Fion-galls, that is, fair strangers (Rovers, or Pirates).

The common account of the origin of the Macdougalls is, that they sprung from a son or grandson of Somerled, of the name Dougal. But though a single chieftain of that appelation may have flourished in the primitive periods of Gaelic story, it appears most probable, from many circumstances, that the clan derived their name from their descent and character generally. They were Dhu-Galls, 'black strangers.' The son or grandson of Somerled, who is said to have specially founded the Macdougall clan, lived in the 12th century. In the 13th, however, they were numerous and strong enough to oppose Bruce, and it is therefore out of the question to suppose that the descendant of Somerled could do more than consolidate or collect an already existing tribe, even if it is to be admitted as taking from him its name."

The first appearance which this family makes in history is at the convention which was held in the year 1284. In the list of those who attended on that occasion, we find the name of Alexander de Ergadia, whose presence was probably the consequence of his holding his lands by a crown charter; but from this period we lose sight of him entirely, until the reign if Robert the Bruce, when the strenuous opposition offered by the Lord of Lorn and by his son John to the succession of that king, restored his name to history, in connection with that of Bruce. Alister having married the third daughter of the RedComyn, whom Bruce slew in the Dominican church at Dumfries, became the mortal enemy of the king; and, upon more than one occasion, during the early part of his reign, succeeded in reducing him to the greatest straits.

Ancient Scottish Map

Bruce, after his defeat at Methven, on the 19th of June 1306, withdrew to the moutainous parts of Breadalbane, and approached the borders of Argyleshire. His followers did not exceed three hundred men, who, disheartened by defeat, and exhausted by privation, were not in condition to encounter a superior force. In this situation, however, he was attacked by Macdougall of Lorn, at the head of a thousand men, part of whom were Macnabs, who had joined the party of John Baliol; and, after a severe conflict, he was compelled to abandon the field. In the retreat from Dalree, where the battle had been fought, the king was hotly pursued, and especially by three of the clansmen of Lorn, probably personal attendants or henchmen of the Macdougalls, who appear to have resolved to slay the Bruce or die. These followed the retreating party, and when King Robert entered a narrow pass, threw themselves suddenly upon him. The king turning hastily round, cleft the skull of one with his battleaxe. "The second had grasped the stirrup, and Robert fixed and held him there by pressing down his foot, so that the captive was dragged along the ground as if chained to the horse. In the meantime, the third assailant had sprung from the hillside to the back of the horse, and sat behind the king. The latter turned half round and forced the Highlander forward to the front of the saddle, where 'he clave the head to the harns.' The second assailant was still hanging by the stirrup, and Robert now struck at him vigorously, and slew him at the first blow."

Whether the story is true or not, and it is by no means improbable, it shows the reputation for gigantic strength which the doughty Bruce had in his day. It is said to have been in this contest that the king lost the magnificent brooch, since famous as the "brooch of Lorn." This highly-prized trophy was long preserved as a remarkable relic in the family of Macdougall of Dunolly, and after having been carried off during the siege of Dunolly Castle, the family residence, it was, about forty years ago, again restored to the family. In his day of adversity the Macdougalls were the most persevering and dangerous of all King Robert's enemies.

But the time for retribution at length arrived. When Robert Bruce had firmly established himself on the throne of Scotland, one of the first objects to which he directed his attention, was to crush his old enemies the Macdougalls, and to revenge the many injuries he had suffered at their hands. With this view, he marched into Argyleshire, determined to lay waste the country , and take possession of Lorn. On advancing, he found John of Lorn and his followers posted in a formidable defile between Ben Cruachan and Loch Awe, which it seemed impossible to force, and almost hopeless to turn. But having sent a party to ascend the mountain, gain the heights, and threaten the enemy's rear, Bruce immediately attacked them in front, with the utmost fury. For a time the Macdougalls sustained the onset bravely; but at length, perceiving themselves in danger of being assailed in the rear, as well as the front, and thus completely isolated in the defile, they betook themselves to flight.

Unable to escape from the mountain gorge, they were slaughtered without mercy, and by this reverse, their power was completely broken. Bruce then laid waste Argyleshire, besieged and took the castle of Dunstaffinage, and received the submission of Alister of Lorn, the father of John, who now fled to England. Alsiter was allowed to retain the district of Lorn: but the rest of his possessions were forfeited and given to Angus of Isla, who had all along remained faithful to the king's interests.

When John of Lorn arrived as a fugitive in England, King Edward was making preparations for that expedition, which terminated in the ever-memorable battle of Bannockburn. John was received with open arms, appointed to the command of the English fleet, and ordered to sail for Scotland, in order to co-operate with the land forces. But the total defeat and dispersion of the latter soon afterwards confirmed Bruce in possession of the throne; and being relieved from the apprehension of any further aggression on the part of the English kings he resolved to lose no time in driving the Lord of Lorn from the Isles, where he had made his appearance with the fleet under his command. Accordingly, on his return from Ireland, whither he had accompanied his brother Edward, he directed his course towards the Isles, and having arrived at Tarbet, is said to have caused his galleys to be dragged over the isthmus which connects Kintyre and Knapdale. This bold proceeding was crowned with success. The English fleet was surprised and dispersed; and its commander having been made prisoner, was sent to Dumbarton, and afterwards to Lochleven, where he was detained in confinement during the remainder of King Robert's reign.

In the early part of the reign of David II, John's son, John or Ewen, married a grand-daughter of Robert the Bruce, and through her not only recovered the ancient possessions of his family, but even obtained a grant of the property of Glenlyon. These extensive territories, however, were not destined to remain long in the family. Ewen died without male issue; and his two daughters having married, the one John Stewart of Innermeath, and the other his brother Robert Stewart, an arrangement was entered into between these parties, in virtue of which the descendants of John Stewart acquired the whole of Lorn possessions, with the exception of the castle of Dunolly and its dependencies, which remained to the other branch of the family; and thus terminated the power of this branch of the descendants of Somerled.

The chieftainship of the clan now descended to the family of Dunolly, which continued to enjoy the small portion which remained to them of their ancient possessions until the year 1715, when the representative of the family incurred the penalty of forfeiture for his accession to the insurrection of that period; thus, by a singular contrast of circumstances, "losing the remains of his inheritance to replace upon the throne the descendants of those princes, whose accession his ancestors had opposed at the expense of their feudal grandeur." The estate, however, was restored to the family in 1745, as a reward for them not having taken any part in the more formidable rebellion of that year. In Presidents Forbes Report on the strength of the clans, the force of the Macdougalls is estimated at 200 men.

The Macdougalls of Raray, represented by Macdougall of Ardencaple, were a branch of the house of Lorn. The principal cadets of the family of Donolly were those of Gallanach and Soraba. The Macdougalls still hold possessions in Galloway, where, however, they usually style themselves Macdowall.

Chiefs of Clan MacDougall in Argyll

I - Dougall:
     Eponymous founder of Clan MacDougall. He was the son of the Royal House of Somerled, King of the Hebrides and Regulus of Argyll. His mother was Raghnild the daughter of Olaf King of Man and she was the second wife of Somerled.
     Dougal or Dugall or Dougall derived from the Gaelic word Dubh meaning Black or Dark, the Gaelic word Gall meaning Stranger or Foreigner. Hence Dougal would translate as "Black Foreigner" or "Black Stranger" which was the early Gaelic nickname for a Dane, later extended to Norsemen. By the mid 12th century the name implied that the bearer likely had Norse connections in his ancestry. Dougall's mother and great grandmother were both of Norse descent.
     Upon the death of his father and elder step brother at the Battle of Renfrew in 1164, Dougal inherited the mainland kingdom of Lorn from Morvern to Knapdale along with the islands of Jura, Coll, Mull, Tiree, Kerrera, Lismore, and the surrounding smaller isles. The remainder of Somerled's territories were divided amongst his younger brothers such as Reginald who founded Clan Donald. Dougall died in 1207.

II - Duncan de Ergadia:
     Second Chief of the clan and son of Dougall. Called King Duncan in the Norse sagas, he was ruler of Argyll (Ergadia) held as vassal under the King of Scots, and Regulus of the Isles which he held as vassal under the King of Norway. He founded Ardchattan Priory about 1240 and is believed to have built many of the MacDougall castles of that era. His major stronghold seems to have been Dunstaffnage but he probably had fortified Dunollie's promontory as well. Duncan died in 1248.

III - Ewan:
     Third Chief of the clan and son of our Second Chief, Duncan. Ewan or John of Argyll (de Ergadia), Lord of Lorn. There is evidence that Ewan had assumed the eponymic title of MacDhughaill (MacDougall). For a time he was King of the Isles under Hakon the High King of Norway and at the same time Ewan held his mainland possessions under Alexander II the King of Scots. At this time Ewan had control of Dunstaffnage, Dunollie, Aros, Cairnburg, Dunchonnel, Coeffin and Duntrune castles.
     When Norway and Scotland were headed to war each side pressured him to support them against the other. Because of his feudal oaths of fealty to King Hakon of Norway for his island lands held of Norway, and oaths of fealty to the Alexander II King of Scots for his mainland lands held of Scotland, Ewan could not take up arms against either King despite being strongly pressured by both.
     In the summer of 1249 Alexander II brought an invasion fleet to conquer the Hebrides. Alexander II became sick and landed at Horseshoe Bay on the eastern side of the island of Kerrera which as an island was legally a Norwegian territory. He demanded that Ewan surrender to him Cairnburgh Castle in the Treshnish isles which belonged to Norway. Ewan refused saying that in only the previous year of 1248 he had done feudal homage to the King of Norway for his island possessions. "No man can serve two masters!" exclaimed the angry King Alexander II. "One can quite well serve two masters provided the masters are not enemies" was Ewan's quiet rejoinder. Soon afterwards Alexander II died at Horseshoe Bay on July 8, 1249 and so the invasion was cancelled. He was succeeded by Alexander III.
     In 1263 King Hakon brought a large invasion fleet to the Hebrides in response to Scottish raids on his territory. During this offensive he anchored twice at Kerrera and at one point he detained Ewan as a "guest" to pressure him for support in attacking Scotland. Ewan refused. After being released Ewan joined the side of Scotland in the fighting. The ensuing Treaty of Perth in 1266 transferred the Hebrides islands from Norway to Scotland and all of Ewan's island possessions were thus restored to him. Died in 1266.

IV - Sir Alexander:
     Fourth Chief of the clan and son of our Third Chief, Ewen. Sir Alexander was also called Alasdair de Ergadia, Lord of Lorn. Overlord of a large part of the western Highlands under King John Baliol. In 1267 he married Julienne Comyn the third daughter of John Comyn of Badenoch and Marian, daughter of Alan of Galloway. This marriage allied the MacDougals with powerful Comyn and Balliol families. In August 1292 John Balliol became King of Scots and he soon after made Sir Alexander MacDougall the Sheriff of Lorn. As Sheriff he was the senior of twelve lords and a very powerful official representative of the king with authority over a very large territory on the mainland and the islands.
     In 1294 the Battle of Allt Dearg (the Red Ford) was fought between the MacDougalls and the Campbells in Nether Lorn in a boundary dispute regarding the exact location of the shared border at the String of Lorn. The MacDougalls suffered severe losses and an arrow killed Sir Colin Campbell, the Campbell Chief known as Cailein Mor.
     Sir Alexander fought on the Scottish side in the Wars of Independence until February 1306 when Robert the Bruce killed Sir Alexander's wife's nephew at a meeting inside Greyfriars Kirk at Dumfries. John the Red Comyn, the victim, was Bruce's rival for the crown of Scotland. After that it became a blood feud against Bruce. Then six weeks later Bruce had himself crowned King Robert I. Sir Alexander supported Edward I against him. However his own brother Duncan (later our Sixth Chief) fought on Bruce's side. Sir Alexander was ill and did not take part in later battles against Robert the Bruce. After his son John of Lorn (Iain Bacach) lost the Battle of Brander in 1308, Sir Alexander was forfeited of the Lordship of Lorn by Bruce. He died in Ireland in late 1310 after fleeing in late 1309 to join his son Sir John of Lorn, Iain Bacach.

V - Sir John of Lorn:
     (lain Bacach) Fifth Chief of the clan and son of our Fourth Chief, Sir Alexander. He was known as Iain Bacach meaning lame John. He defeated Robert Bruce at Dalrigh near Tyndrum in Strathfillan on August 11, 1306 where Bruce was forced to abandon his cloak and brooch in the dying grasp of one of his attackers. Thus clan MacDougall came into possession of the Brooch of Lorn which it still possesses. In 1307 Sir John and his Galloway ally Sir Dougal MacDoual of Logan hunted Bruce in Carrick and Galloway. Then Sir John returned to Lorn with an illness.
     Sir John of Lorn was himself defeated by Bruce in the Battle of Brander in August 1308. His warriors had blocked the pass while he directed from a galley in the loch. After the defeat he sailed to Inchconnel castle and made his way to the coast where he drew some of the MacDougall galleys from his island possessions and sailed to England.
     Sir John of Lorn continued his fight against Bruce under King Edward II who made him the Admiral of the Western Seas in 1311. The importance of his role in the western seas is shown by the fact that the English ships only operated on the east coast of Scotland where they did not have to face the superior Hebridean and Scots galleys. For several years he harrassed the Scottish garrisons of the West Highland coasts, fought Bruce's adherents the MacDonalds of Islay who had gained MacDougall island territories, and also operated against the Bruces in Ireland. As Admiral of the Western Seas Sir John of Lorn continued fighting Bruce and even captured the Isle of Man in 1315.
     Upon his return from campaigning in Ireland, Robert I joined fleets with Angus Og of Islay to attack the English fleet. Sir John of Lorn was captured in 1318 in a sea battle fighting against the combined fleet of Angus Og of Islay and Robert I King of Scots. He had never sworn allegiance to Robert the Bruce so he was not a traitor in medieval law. He had been in poor health for years and died a prisoner of King Robert I in Dumbarton castle in 1318.
     Sir John of Lorn's son Ewan was well treated as a temporary prisoner of King Robert I and went on to become our seventh Chief. Ewan was later restored the Lordship of Lorn title with some of the mainland possessions.

VI - Duncan of Dunollie:
     Sixth Chief of the clan. Son of Ewen the Third Chief of the clan, and brother of Alexander the Fourth Chief of the clan. A boyhood friend of William Wallace. In 1300 at Loch Awe at the Pass of Brander, Duncan and Wallace with Campbell allies defeated an invading Irish mercenary force in the pay of Edward I. In 1310 Duncan was granted Dunollie by Bruce, perhaps at the parliament held at Ardchattan Priory in Lorn. This made Duncan successor to our forfeited Fourth Chief Alexander and to Alexander's son, our fifth Chief Sir John of Lorn Iain Bacach who was also forfeited for fighting tirelessly against Bruce. Duncan died around 1320.

VII - Ewan:
     (John) Lord of Lorn, Seventh Chief of the clan, and son of our Fifth Chief, Sir John of Lorn (Iain Bacach). (Ewan may have been the son of Sir John's son Alan.) Regained the Lordship of Lorn in 1344 with some of its former lands but they had forever lost all their island possessions except for part of the island of Kerrera. He was the last of the MacDougall Lords of Lorn.
     Ewan married Joan who was the daughter of Sir Thomas Isaac and Princess Matilda, the daughter of King Robert Bruce. In 1368 King David II made the lands of Glenlyon in Perthshire a wedding present to his niece Joan and her Ewan. Thereafter in Glenlyon Ewan was remembered as Iain Dubh nan Lann (Black John of the Spears). These Perthshire lands had been devastated by the Black Plague which reached Scotland in 1350 so Ewan repopulated Glenlyon and the dale of Fortingall with MacDougalls from Argyll. He laid out the Glenlyon estate regulations for land usage which remained in use there until about 1780.
     Ewan's son Eoghan predeceased him but he had two daughters, Janet (Jonette) and her younger sister Isabella. Ewan was the last MacDougall Chief to use Dunstaffnage castle as his main seat. After it and the Lordship of Lorn passed to the Stewarts through Ewan's daughters' inheritance, Dunstaffnage remained as the main seat of the Stewart Lordship of Lorn.
     Around 1386 both of Ewan's daughters married Stewarts of Innermeath from Perthshire. Janet and Isabella inherited Lorn equally as females under the laws of primogeniture. Then Janet and her husband Sir Robert Stewart traded their half of Lorn to her younger sister Isabella and her husband Sir John Stewart in exchange for Sir John Stewart's inherited estate of Durrisdeer in Perthshire. Through Isabella the Lordship of Lorn then passed to her Stewart husband. These Stewarts of Innermeath became the Lords of Lorn and retained the Lordship until around 1468 when the Lordship of Lorn transferred to the Chief of the Campbells. Ewan died around 1375. Upon Ewan's death the Chiefship of Clan MacDougall permanently separated from the Lordship of Lorn. Iain of Dunollie became the next and Eighth Chief with his clan duthus at Dunollie castle.

VIII - Iain of Dunollie:
     Eighth Chief of the clan and the son of Allan, who was the son of our Sixth Chief, Duncan of Dunollie. Dunollie castle was his main seat and the clan duthus. Iain of Dunollie married Christina the daughter of Sir Dougald Campbell of Craignish. He lived with Christiana for twenty years and had one son named Dougall. Christina later married the Alexander the second Chief of the MacNaughtens and still later Ivor Campbell. Traditions say that Iain of Dunollie had a second son Allan who founded the MacDougalls of Raera (Raray) and Ardmaddy. This was the senior cadet family of the MacDougalls of Lorn. Allan of Reyran (Raera or Raray) in Kilninver parish himself had a son called Comham (Gobhainn) Mor (the big blacksmith) from whom descended the McCowans (MacComhain) of Lorn. Iain of Dunollie died around 1400.

IX - Dougal of Dunollie:
     Ninth Chief of the clan and the son of our Eighth Chief, Iain of Dunollie and Christina Campbell of Craignish. Dougal of Dunollie married a daughter of MacDonnell of Isla. He was killed in a fight with the Campbells of Craignish at Askinish Bay. According to the Cragnish Campbells history, Dougal was forcibly collecting rents on his mother's Craignish estate in right of his mother with whom he feuded and was killed in a skirmish with her relative Ronald Roil-more-na-hordaig, the son of her grand uncle Malcolm.

X - Alan of Dunollie:
     Tenth Chief of the clan and son of our Ninth Chief, Dougal of Dunollie. Married a daughter of Robert Stewart, the second Stewart Lord of Lorn.

XI - Sir John of Dunollie:
     Eleventh Chief of the clan and son of our Tenth Chief, Alan of Dunollie. Married Gyllis (Egidia) who was the daughter of Sir Collin Campbell of Glenorchy. In 1451 his uncle, John Stewart the third and last Stewart Lord of Lorn, granted Sir John wide lands extending southwards to Loch Feochan in Inner Lorn. These lands had previously belonged to the MacDougall Lords of Lorn before it was inherited by the Stewarts through marriage to MacDougall heiresses. The granted lands were on the Isle of Kerrera and at Dunollie, then southwards at Glen Shelleach, Gallanach, Colagin, and Moleigh at the foot of Loch Nell. This grant was in return for agreeing to support the claim for the Lordship of Lorn for John Stewart's only son Dugald who was illegitimate, after that son was made legitimate. In 1463 John Stewart was attacked and killed while walking with his wedding party to his wedding at the chapel outside Dunstaffnage castle where he was marrying Dugald's MacLaren mother. If they could prevent the wedding ceremony from legitimizing son Dugald, the Lordship of Lorn would go to the Campbells to whom John Stewart's three daughters were already married but he died only after going through the ceremony.

     The attackers were led by a renegade MacDougall named Alan McCoul who was an illegitimate cousin of our Chief and a nephew of Donald Balloch of Islay. Alan wanted to be Chief of clan MacDougall himself. He was a well known soldier with a wild and reckless spirit that appealed to some of the younger elements in the clan. He had already been involved in a failed conpiracy with the Earls of Douglas and Ross against James III King of Scots. Alan McCoul had previously seized our Chief in 1460 and imprisoned him "in festynans" on the Isle of Kerrera possibly in a plan to starve him to death and succeed him. When the Earl of Argyll, sir John's feudal superior, heard that he had been taken prisoner and was likely to be killed, the Earl attacked Kerrera, burned Alan McCoul's ships, and killed nearly one hundred of Alan McCoul's men. McCoul escaped with four or five followers and Sir John was released.
     After killing the John Stewart the Lord of Lorn and leaving him for dead at his wedding, Alan McCoul and his band ran inside the open castle of Dunstaffnage and held it until dislodged the following year by royal troops sent by the Estates of Parliament. After years of intermittent fighting Alan McCoul was eventually killed in 1468 at the Battle of An Stalc (the Ridge) at Portnacroish in Appin by a Stewart and MacLaren coalition force which included MacDougalls. In northern Lorn Dugald Stewart went on to found the Stewarts of Appin, a clan with which we have always had a close relationship, but he lost the Lordship of Lorn to the Campbells. Sir John of Dunollie died in 1480.

XII - Alexander of Dunollie:
     Twelfth Chief of the clan and son of our Eleventh Chief, Sir John of Dunollie. Alexander's eldest son Duncan was killed in a battle or raid at Dunollie castle in July 1512. He was buried at Ardchattan Priory in Benderloch, the traditional place of burial until the death of Ian Ciar in 1737. Alexander of Dunollie died around 1493.

XIII - John of Dunollie:
     Thirteenth Chief of the clan and a younger son of our Twelfth Chief, Alexander of Dunollie. Mentioned in charter dated in 1518 and 1535. Died around 1535.

XIV - John of Dunollie:
     Fourteenth Chief of the clan and son of our Thirteenth Chief, John of Dunollie. John quarreled with his feudal superior Archibald Campbell 4th Earl of Argyll and in 1557 was imprisoned by Campbell in Dollar Castle. During this time period the protestant Reformation led by John Knox was sweeping through Scotland and causing great unrest and conflict. John of Dunollie died in 1563. His son Duncan may have built Gylen Castle.

XV - Dougall of Dunollie:
     Fifteenth Chief of the clan and the son of our Fourteenth Chief, John of Dunollie. Known as something as a tyrant. Mentioned in charters dates 1563 and 1567. In 1571 he was accused of "intermitting with certain cattle" on the Benderloch lands of Campbell of Glenorchy. In 1576 certain of his tenants obtained a decree discharging him from exceeding his powers as Baillie of Lorn by ill treating and oppressing his tenants and their holdings. In 1577 he began the building of Gylen castle on the south end of the island of Kerrrera. In 1589 a complaint to the Privy Council stated that he had seized two of his clansmen on the isle of Kerrera and imprisoned them in Dunollie castle although they had "committed no offense" and he was ordered to release the captives "on pain of rebellion". Dougall of Dunollie died around 1590.

XVI - Duncan of Dunollie:
     Sixteenth Chief of the clan and the son of our Fifteenth Chief, Dougall of Dunollie. He had become Chief by 1591. Married (1st) Margaret the sister of Sir Lauchlan MacLean of Dowart. His second son was Allan of Torsay. Married (2nd) Sibylla the daughter of Drummond of Cochyle. He was accused in evidence but never charged for holding a meeting in his chambers at Dunollie castle with his brother in law Sir Lauchlan MacLean of Duart, and with Campbell of Ardkinglas in the murder plot to kill Sir John Campbell the Thane of Cawdor in February 1592.
     Duncan was a fervent protestant. He engaged in correspondance with Cunningham the English ambassador to Scotland in an effort to obtain his support for the cause of James VI of Scotland to become a protestant successor to the crown of England upon the approaching death of the ageing Elizabeth I. Records kept in the English Public Record office show that the ambassador visted Dunollie castle in 1596 and that Duncan of Dunollie kept him informed of anti English activity in Ireland. Obtained a charter from King James VI in 1596. May have been the builder of Gylen Castle.

XVII - Sir John of Dunollie:
     Seventeenth Chief of the clan and the son of our Sixteenth Chief, Duncan of Dunollie. Married in 1610 Katherine the daughter of Hector MacLean of Duart. In 1622 was involved in complaints and counter complaints dealing with the cattle raids involving his father-in-law. The complaint also accused him of levying illegal charges upon the ferry traffic from the Isle of Mull and upon merchants and their goods, and of using force to collect payment and seize their livestock and goods. In 1623 Sir John lodged a complaint to the Privy Council that twenty men of Donald Campbell of Barbreck in Glen Dornhain had raided his farm buildings at Dunollie castle, bound up his servants and stolen his cattle. In 1631 a similar complaint to the Privy Council accused the MacLeans of Kigaulish of raiding the home farm of Dunollie, assaulting the tenants in their homes, and carrying off goods. Sir John of Dunollie died around 1634.

XVIII - Alexander of Dunollie:
     Eighteenth chief of the clan and the son of our Seventeenth Chief, Sir John of Dunollie. Chief during a period of relative peace. Married Katherine who was the daughter of Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenorchy. Had three sons who became Chiefs of the Clan.

XIX - Ian of Dunollie:
     (Iain) Nineteenth Chief of the clan and the son of our Eighteenth Chief, Alexander of Dunollie. Ian became Chief at a young age sometime before 1644. Most MacDougalls fought with Montrose's Royalist forces but some such as MacDougall of Raera were captured in 1644 fighting for the Covenenters at the Battle of Inverlochy. Alexander of Dunollie married a daughter of Sir Roderick Mor MacLeod but had no children. He was Chief during the troubled times of the massacre of 200 MacDougalls and MacDonalds and their followers in 1647 by General David Leslie's Covenanter army after their surrender at Dunaverty castle on the southern tip of Kintyre. (Some accounts say that he was the young MacDougall who alone was spared at Dunaverty, but this is probably a case of mistaken identity). A few weeks later in 1647 he endured the burning of Gylen castle where the Brooch of Lorn was looted, and the seige of Dunollie castle by Colonel Robert Montgomery and his Covenenter force. From 1652 to 1654 Dunollie was garrisoned by Cromwell's roundhead soldiers after their invasion of Scotland. During this time period a MacKichan clansman saved the the Chief's charter chest with its valuable muniments from Dunollie castle and and kept it safely hidden until the return of peace. The Chief was so grateful for MacKichan’s faithfulness, that he declared that as long as there was a MacDougall at Dunolly, there would be a MacKichan on the estate. Upon the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 Ian of Dunollie's estates and Dunollie and Gylen castles were promptly returned to him. He died in 1669.

XX - Duncan of Dunollie:
     Twentieth chief of the clan and the second son of our Eighteenth Chief, Alexander of Dunollie, and brother to our nineteenth Chief. In the summer of 1675 during the course of the Earl of Argyll's operations against the MacLeans Dunollie castle was one of the strong places where the Privy Council allowed the Earl to maintain a garrison. In 1676 an armed party of MacLeans raided a tenant on the isle of Kerrera and took away his cattle. This was part of a series of events which caused the 9th Earl of Argyll to two years later obtain a commission of "fire and sword" against them. In 1677 the Privy Council again ordered Duncan of Dunollie to quarter one hundred soldiers at Dunollie until the Fort at Inverlochy could be repaired for their use. Again in October 1678 the Privy Council ordered that another garrison be quartered at Dunollie "...for the security of the peace of the Highlands ...". Duncan of Dunollie had a daughter who married in 1707 Ian MacLean of Lochbuie. Died in 1686.

XXI - Alan of Dunollie:
     Twenty-first Chief of the clan and the third son of our Eighteenth Chief, Alexander of Dunollie, and brother to our nineteenth and twentieth Chiefs. Received from James VII a charter to a greater part of Lorn in 1686 but these lands were later lost for his support of James VII a few years after. Married Mary the daughter of Ian MacLachlan of Kilbride. In 1689 he supported the Jacobite rising led by Viscount Dundee in support of the Stewart James VII. A small contingent of his MacDougalls were led by the Chief's cousin Sir Alexander MacLean on July 27, 1689 in the resounding Jacobite victory of the Jacobites at the Battle of Killiecrankie. The Treaty of Achallader of June 1691 ended the fighting. The exiled James VII gave dispensation to his followers to take the oath of allegiance to the new royal family of Britain, William of Orange and his wife Mary the daughter of James VII. Alan of Dunollie died in 1695.

XXII - John of Dunollie:
     (Iain Ciar) Twenty-second Chief of the clan and son of our Twenty-first Chief, Alan of Dunollie. About 1712 he married Mary the daughter of William MacDonald of Sleat. He sent a fleet of fourteen galleys manned by MacDougall clansmen to bring her from the Isle of Skye to Dunollie.
     He joined the Rising of 1715 in support of the Stewart "Old Pretender", the father of Bonnie Prince Charlie. In November 1715 he and his younger brother Duncan and approximately fifty his clansmen volunteers were on the Jacobite right wing at the Battle of Sheriffmuir. Iain Ciar was wounded. During his absence at war Mary bravely defended Dunollie under the command of his friend Livingstone and a dozen men. After the failure of this rising, lain Ciar was in exile for eleven years in France, Ireland, and at times in hiding in Scotland. During his exile he forfeited his estate and Dunollie castle was garrisoned with government troops and Mary lived with her young children at Slatrach farm on the island of Kerrera. During his exile he participated in the Rising of 1719 and fought in the Battle of Glenshiel in which the invading Jacobites and Spanish forces were defeated on June 10, 1719.

     Iain Ciar was known for his swordsmanship and bravery. His name is associated with many bold tales such as the encounter in Ireland when he and his friend Livingstone encountered and killed a bandit known as the "Red Robber". In 1727 he was pardoned and allowed to return home. When he returned and the forfeiture was removed he recovered the family muniments which Livingstone had secretly hidden in a small apartment in the old "laigh-bigging" building which later became an early part of Dunollie House. Livingstone had hidden the precious documents for their protection. Iain Ciar was succeeded by his eldest son Alexander and his second son, Allan, went to the East Indies. His third son Duncan joined the Jacobite Rising of 1745. Iain Ciar died in 1737.

XXIII - Alexander of Dunollie:
     Twenty-third Chief of the clan known as Alastair Dubh and he was Chief for sixty four years. He was the son of our Twenty-second Chief, John of Dunollie (Iain Ciar). Married Mary the daughter of Patrick Campbell of Barcaldine in 1737. they had no less than fifteen children. Alexander did not join the Jacobite Rising of 1745 in support of Charles Edward Stuart "Bonnie Prince Charlie" but his brother Duncan fought with the Jacobite army at Prestonpans and Culloden. After the 45' was over Alexander built the manor house below the castle and raised a large family. His first son, John, married the daughter of Lord Ruthven and died in 1775 at Bombay without issue. His second son became the Twenty-third Chief. Unlike many other Highland Chiefs of the day Alexander did not encourage his clansmen to join the many Highland Regiments being formed by Pitt the Elder, and encougaged them not to volunteer. Alexander of Dunollie died in 1801.

XXIV - Patrick of Dunollie:
     Twenty-fourth Chief of the clan and the second son of our Twenty-third Chief, Alexander of Dunollie. Patrick was born in 1742 and was nearly sixty when he became Chief.
     As a boy Patrick was fostered for several years with the MacCulloch family, who were at one time tenant millers of Gylen farm on the island of Kerrera and of the Oban Glenshellach mill, when they moved to Morvern. It was a traditional Highland custom for Highland Lairds to send at least some of their sons to be fostered by certain of their tenants to build up a lifelong connection and friendship between the two families. During this time he would hear no language but Gaelic nor see any manners other than those of the Highland peasnatry. It was usual for the father to send a certain number of cattle with his child, to which the fosterer added an equal number. Then these cattle and their increase would return home with the child. He returned with a herd of thiteen fine cattle. Patrick's generation was the last of the family to be fostered out in this way.

     He had a reputation of being frugal which is small considering the size of the family he raised. Married Louisa Maxwell who was the daughter of Campbells of Achalader. His first son Captain Alexander was killed fighting under Wellington in Spain at the Battle of Ciudad Rodrigo in 1812 and died without issue. His death is commemorated in the piping song "Cumha Chaiptein MacDhughaill" (Lament for Captain MacDougall). Patrick of Dunollie died in 1825.

XXV - Sir John of Dunollie:
     Twenty-fifth Chief of the clan and the second son of our Twenty-fourth Chief, Patrick of Dunollie. He was born in 1789 and went to sea at the age of thirteen in 1802 in the Napoleonic wars . Sir John rose from a midshipman to the rank of Vice Admiral, R.N.,K.C.B. He was known for his courageous seamanship and for his consideration to his tenants as Chief of the clan.
     In October 1824 the Brooch of Lorn was restored to him after being lost for 177 years since being looted in the sack and burning of Gylen castle in 1647 by Covenenter forces. Since that time its whereabouts were unknown to the clan. General Duncan Campbell of Lochnell had recently obtained the Brooch from its Campbell of Bragleen possessor and arranged for a public ceremony in which the Duke of Argyll returned the Brooch to Sir John who was representing his father, Patrick of Dunollie, in the ceremony. He married in 1826 Elizabeth Sophia who was the daughter of Captain Charles Timmins of the East India Company. Beginning in 1828 he extended Dunollie House, planted many trees, and improved the grounds. After a long and distinguished naval career in which he rose to the rank Admiral, he died in 1865.

XXVI - Captain Alexander John of Dunollie:
     Twenty-sixth Chief of the clan and the eldest son of our Twenty-fifth Chief, Sir John of Dunollie. Aa a Captain of Artillery he served in India and fought with distinction in the Crimean war. Married Anna who was the daughter of Thomas Barclay. He had been engaged for seven years and died of pneumonia six weeks after his marriage. Born on August 3, 1827 and died in on August 26, 1867. There is a plaque dedicated to him on the island of Kerrera at the school built in 1872 near the Ferryhouse which overlooks the Sound of Kerrera .

XXVII - Lt. Colonel Charles Allan of Dunollie:
     Twenty-seventh Chief of the clan and the third son of our Twenty-fifth Chief, Sir John of Dunollie. Member of the Bengal Staff Corps. He was active in the local government of Argyll and encouraged the formation of Clan MacDougall societies. Married Harriet Elizabeth who was the daughter of Charles Munro of Ingsdon. He was born in 1831 and died without issue in 1896.

XXVIII - Deputy Surgeon General Henry Robert Lawrence of Dunollie:
     Twenty-eighth Chief of the clan and the fifth son of our Twenty-fifth Chief, Sir John of Dunollie. Received an M.D. From the University of Edinburgh and made a career in India where he was a member of the Bombay Medical Service. He married Caroline Harriette who was the daughter of James Forsyth of Glengorm on the island of Mull. He was born in 1835 and died 1899.

XXIX - Colonel Alexander James of Dunollie:
     Twenty-ninth Chief of the clan and the son of our Twenty-eighth Chief, Henry Robert Lawrence of Dunollie. Received an M.B. And Ch. B. from the university of Edinburgh and became a colonel in the Royal army Medical Corps. He was a member of the first expeditionary force in 1914. He was twice mentioned in dispatches, and was made a Commander of Saint Michael and Saint George. Served in the Home Guard and as a welfare officer in the second World War. He was a supporter of youth organizations and greatly interested in the heritage of the clan. He married Colina Edith who was the daughter of Alexander MacDougall of Sorba. He was born in 1872 and died in 1953. He had three daughters: Colin Helen Elizabeth: Jean Louisa Morag, who married Dr. Stephen Hadfield: and Margaret Hope Garnons.

XXX - Coline Helen Elizabeth MacDougall of MacDougall and Dunollie:
     Thirtieth Chief of the clan and daughter of our Twenty-ninth Chief, Alexander of Dunollie. Married in 1949 Leslie Grahame-Thomson, a member of Royal Society of Architects, who assumed the name of Grahame MacDougall when his wife became Chief. Madam MacDougall of MacDougall served in the armed forces during the second World War and was actively interested in preserving the heritage of the Clan. She was born in 1904 and died in 1990.

XXXI - Morag Morley MacDougall:
     Thirty-first Chief of the clan and a niece of our Thirtieth Chief, Coline Helen Elizabeth.


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